7 ר‡ל ˘ - י ˜ ון ‡ייז ˙ נ ˘ 2022 Advanced Home Environment for AAC users – The "Smart Homes" Program Orit Grinstein, orly Tsabar The "Smart Homes" program examines the use of advanced technological solu�ons to promote independent and autonomous living of people with disabili�es. The program was developed by JDC Israel Unlimited in collabora�on with the Israel Government ICT Authority, the Ministry of Welfare and Social Services, the Ministry of Health, and the Ministry of Educa�on, with the support of the Ted Arison Family Founda�on. The program is operated by Beit Issie Shapiro and Atvisor, with research conducted by the Mayers-Joint-Brookdale Ins�tute. Program Goals: At the individual level - to increase the level of autonomy, independence and par�cipa�on through personal adapta�on of technological solu�ons and the implementa�on of their use. At the systemic level - to set up an effec�ve and efficient governmental assistance mechanism for the personal adapta�on, purchase and usage of technological solu�ons for people with disabili�es, in a way that supports independence and autonomy. The ar�cle outlines the guiding principles in adap�ng advanced technologies for people with disabili�es, and the procedures used to locate the best solu�on for each individual, considering their desires and abili�es. The ar�cle also presents a case study of an individual with CP who uses AAC with an eye-gaze system for control of the home environment. An Accessible Art Studio: The Dream Ana� Friedman Crea�ng an accessible art studio is a dream that I have had for many years - a community space that crea�ve par�cipants can join no ma�er how challenging their motor disabili�es are and what is their verbal expression's ability. The art is a language that focuses on crea�vity, and on our abili�es. This year this accessible studio idea became a reality. Together with Hadar Zelzer Fallah at Dagesh we created an accessible open studio workshop for par�cipants that use AAC and use eye-gaze technology for expression. Together with a crea�ve support team of volunteers - we made it happen. The ar�cle describes the wonder of that day, which hopefully will be followed by many more.