שנתון מספר 37 - isaac 2022

6 ר‡ל ˘ - י ˜ ון ‡ייז ˙ נ ˘ 2022 In this presenta�on the use of Join-In with WhatsApp is demonstrated and discussed through the introduc�on of two young symbol users who have learned to use WhatsApp with Join-In. Their mothers are interviewed and share their thoughts on how their use of Join-In WhatsApp opened new communica�on opportuni�es for them. Litracy in Grid Tamar Sh�glits During 2021-2022 two new applica�ons - Sight Words and Step into Reading, were created by d-bur LTD, using the Grid pla�orm to enhance literacy capaci�es. Sight Words: This applica�on offers the users opportuni�es to learn wri�en words, top down. The app includes hundreds of boards for word recogni�on prac�ce and can act as a supplement to phonological literacy training or as a subs�tute for users who did not learn how to read phonologically. Step into Reading: This applica�on is designed to enable prac�ce of full phone�c wri�ng and establishing the use of Hebrew vowels with various levels of support and with gradual media�on. The app helps users as they learn reading and wri�ng bo�om-up. The app includes hundreds of words for prac�ce, each word can be wri�en in five levels of support un�l full phone�c wri�ng is achieved. In the Grid 3 version, Step into Reading includes a supplementary component - video clips with gestures that support memory and le�er/vowel retrieval. The clips are based on a strategy for le�ers and vowels acquisi�on that was developed by "Gsharim" school of "Ohel Sara". The apps are available for download, at no extra charge, through the Online Grids community sharing website. They are compa�ble with Grid 3 and Grid for iPad (the Grid for iPad version does not include the supplementary video clips). “ﻤﺎن � ﺪّي � " " -وأﻧﺎ I Want Also" Samah Eid Transla�on and adapta�on of professional materials for different popula�ons is a major challenge. When we come to refer to the transla�on and adapta�on of professional materials to the Arabic language, the challenge is twofold. Both due to a huge lack of translated and culturally adapted materials as well as because the diglossic nature of the language. This ar�cle describes the process of transla�ng two literacy applica�ons: Word Recogni�on and a Phonological Keyboard which were created to promote the literacy of students with disabili�es, in light of the great importance of reading in promo�ng the independence and communica�on of these students. Adap�ng the transla�on to the cultural needs and taking into account the characteris�cs of the language leads to maximum u�liza�on for the purpose for which the applica�ons were created. It is advisable to test the transla�on on a pilot group before releasing the final version.