4 ר‡ל ˘ - י ˜ ון ‡ייז ˙ נ ˘ 2022 The Right to Be Heard”: Making the process of inves�ga�on and tes�mony accessible using AAC – Update Ne�a Ben Zeev We con�nue to develop the accessibility of special inves�ga�ons using AAC techniques. Expert SLP's take part in these inves�ga�ons and work on upda�ng and improving work protocols. We keep on exposing our work to different audiences and advising professionals on access to jus�ce not only in the criminal field, but also in non-criminal courts. We con�nue accompanying the inves�ga�ons using AAC. Lately, some inves�ga�ons were conducted by the recently trained special inves�gators. This year we did not agree to accompany an inves�ga�on based on facilitated communica�on. The refusal to use FC helped us underline the importance of the admissibility of inves�ga�ons. We con�nue to allow people who do not speak to make their voices heard in their inves�ga�on in the criminal field, and to act in order to achieve jus�ce and treatment for these people. Write me with your eyes - advantages and disadvantages of using Eye Gaze systems Hadar Zeltzer Fallah Eye Gaze Systems are used as a mean of accessing communica�on computers for children and adults with complex communica�on needs. The Eye-tracking systems allow direct access to the digital environment, augmenta�ve alterna�ve communica�on so�ware, and full opera�on of a virtual mouse and keyboard. The users can manage an email box and any informa�on found in the digital environment. Along with the many advantages, there are also disadvantages: Dependency on the communica�on partner to place the system in such a way that it can read the user's eye movements, the computer screens standing between the two communica�on partners, etc. This ar�cle discusses the advantages and the complexity of using Eye Gaze Systems. AAC creators and pain�ng with the eyes- from a personal crea�on to a social crea�on Ana� Friedman Digital accessible art, which is based on pain�ng with the eyes using eye gaze technology, is a unique and new field in the art and art therapy field. The ar�cle focuses on a digital art program: digitalpainters, which is specifically accessible for par�cipants who use eye gaze technology. Examples from social projects that were developed with this technique are presented. A variety of ways to combine AAC with this accessible art tool are demonstrated, as this strategy can support many people with complex communica�on needs. Yuval's Tablet Sapir Elimelech Yuval's Tablet is a book that makes AAC accessible to children. The book enlightens some of the challenges and struggles that AAC users encounter. The story empowers the young users and presents the communica�on technology as an essen�al tool for par�cipa�on. The book presents the young AAC user as someone that not only can communicate and par�cipate, but also to ac�vely have an important influence on his life environment.