2 ר‡ל ˘ - י ˜ ון ‡ייז ˙ נ ˘ 2022 AAC systems and assis�ve technologies as part of Health Services Basket Ronit Naydiz Rosen In the last seven years, the Ministry of Health’s Na�onal Unit for Rehabilita�on and Mobility Devices has provided, to all those eligible, approximately 2,450 assis�ve technology systems which included a wide variety of solu�ons, adapted by professionals in the community and customized for users, in terms of both equipment and the so�ware they need. We had to overcome quite a few challenges in recent years - corona epidemic, isola�ons and lack of equipment – all forced us to find alterna�ve solu�ons for supplying and trainings. We are extremely proud of all the progress and achievements the many AAC users have made. "it starts with a step… it starts with a dream..." Ronit Naydiz Rosen Igor Gurfinkel, a person with CP who uses an eye gaze system for communica�on, is a great inspira�on and a success story of someone who had the courage to make his dream come true and who con�nues to dream and reach goals every single day. About a year ago, I had the honor to facilitate a mee�ng between Igor and the Mayor of his hometown, a�er which his moving request has been posi�vely accepted, as he was offered a job at the local municipality. It is highly sa�sfying and exci�ng to take a part in and to witness the transforma�on of a person, who, thanks to the usage of assis�ve technology, succeeds in expanding his communica�ve circles and making the most of his abili�es. “Excuse Me for Asking” – AAC Nadine Kalmek, Guy Rudovsky, Adi Bassa Onn School is an educa�onal and social public school for children with Cerebral Palsy and other complex motor disorders. only 15% of Onn School students use AAC. In accordance with the literature, AAC users frequently encounter social problems with their peers at school. To address these and other difficul�es that AAC users encounter, a model of an annual “AAC Awareness Event” has been implemented for many years. These events promote ac�ve student and staff involvement in providing equal communica�on opportuni�es to students who use AAC, socially and across all dimensions of school ac�vi�es, in order to maximize their inclusion and par�cipa�on. In 2021, the AAC awareness program included a yearlong educa�onal program in all classrooms, culmina�ng in the posing of “no holds barred” ques�ons directed to AAC users by their peers. These ques�ons pertained to the challenges and abili�es of the students and their communica�on systems. AAC Day concluded with a movie where the AAC students’ voices were heard as they answered their peers' ques�ons and expressed their feelings about their communica�on systems, which encouraged social insights and dialogue about AAC use at school. ABSTRACTS