שנתון מספר 38 - isaac 2023

6 ר‡ל ˘ - י ˜ ון ‡ייז ˙ נ ˘ 2023 This ar�cle describes the conceptual change that led us to use the Hebrew version of the ABC Model, that emphasizes the importance of the subjec�ve Beliefs people have in different situa�ons and how working on this component can lead to a deeper change in their responses. The model was made accessible to our students through the use of a yearly program in the form of a presenta�on containing a variety of ac�vi�es and a Grid 3 communica�on board for analysis and reac�on, according to the ABC Model. Look at Me About the 'Visibility Project' in 'Venezuela' special educa�on school for students with severe complex disabili�e Roni Shifriss & Sharon Levin The ar�cle presents a unique project in a special educa�on school for students with severe complex disabili�es. The project focuses on reinforcing the visibility of students, emphasizing the presenta�on of their emo�onal world to the en�re school staff, to allow for a more precise response to their needs. The project encourages staff members to reflect on their a�tude towards the students, aiming to increase their awareness of the students' coping, their sensi�vi�es and needs. Ac�vi�es within the project’s framework are aimed at iden�fying situa�ons of ‘invisibility’ and changing the staff’s conduct accordingly, and promo�ng a percep�on of work by which, prior to any staff member’s contact or ac�vity with a student, they must remember that the student is asking to be seen, according to five predefined criteria. The project provides staff members with an opportunity to learn and share, by establishing a framework for discussing the topic and for an experience aimed at “stepping into the students’ shoes”. The project was operated successfully for five years, prior to COVID19. staff members a�est to significant learning and insights gained through it, are mo�vated to keep par�cipa�ng in the various experiences, and report posi�ve behavioral changes in their dealing with students. Join-In Pro Sharon Shaham Join-In Pro by d-bur Ltd, is a so�ware package designed to simplify access to popular apps and websites for people with complex communica�on and access needs. Supported apps are varied and include YouTube, Facebook, WhatsApp, Ne�lix, Spo�fy, and more. Join-In was first introduced in 2020 and offered a unique solu�on for AAC users to par�cipate in digital life. The ini�al version was built on popular AAC Windows-based so�ware pla�orms and was confined to the limita�ons of each AAC solu�on. Join-In Pro, introduced in 2023, was re-built on its own standalone pla�orm. It integrates with the various AAC programs but is not affected by their limita�ons and has an expanded scope of features and capabili�es. This ar�cle describes the new Join-In Pro enhancements such as increased op�ons tailored for children, more capabili�es for symbol-based AAC users, a wide array of accessibility op�ons, and more. IssieSign: An app for learning signs and gestures, now available in Arabic Rachel Blum and Alaa Rabus IssieSign is an app that allows people to become familiar with and learn basic signs based on Israeli Sign Laguage. The app was developed specifically for people with complex communica�on needs, who can benefit from signs and gestures as augmenta�ve and alterna�ve communica�on (AAC) to express themselves including wants, feelings, thoughts, and ideas. The app was released a few years ago for Hebrew speakers and just recently, a version for Arabic speakers in Israel was released. With the new release new features were added to both versions. Both apps were developed in collabora�on with SAP Labs, Israel.