שנתון מספר 38 - isaac 2023

3 ר‡ל ˘ - י ˜ ון ‡ייז ˙ נ ˘ 2023 By highligh�ng the limita�ons imposed by the "specific modality" of visual communica�on aids, the study demonstrates how these aids impose difficul�es on expression and necessitate significant reliance on communica�on partners for effec�ve communica�on. The study contributes valuable insights into the language of AAC users. It underscores the importance of both expanding vocabulary of symbol based AAC aids and crea�ng diverse communica�on opportuni�es with partners to facilitate greater communica�ve independence. Further research is recommended, with larger par�cipant groups in each category. Addi�onally, future studies should explore how AAC users cope with lexical voids in other parts of speech. Specifically designed ques�onnaires to both groups can enlighten perspec�ves on overcoming the limita�ons imposed by the AAC aids. Using symbols in digital tools to make informa�on accessible for children with cogni�ve disabili�e Orit Ben Shusan The current study examined how digital tools like animated videos containing symbols help children with cogni�ve disabili�es understand what is happening during treatment. It appears that using symbols, illustra�ons, and pictures can provide support for wri�en explana�on, and therefore these were u�lized in crea�ng the videos. The children who par�cipated in the research reported that a�er using the tool, they understood what was happening during the treatment sessions, which increased their mo�va�on for coopera�on. Reading Interven�on for Students with Complex Communica�on Needs: The importance of a phonics-based approach focusing on Hebrew vowels and le�er correspondences Gat Savaldi-Harussi & Yaffa Robinson Harshoshanim This ar�cle highlights the right of students with complex communica�on needs (CCN), encompassing speech, motor, and cogni�ve difficul�es to have adequate access to literacy instruc�on. Israel, like the global community, has established legal frameworks and the Israeli Ministry of Educa�on underscores tailored reading interven�on, accommoda�ng diverse func�onal levels through accommoda�ons and modifica�ons. While research in the area of literacy interven�ons for students with CCN was conducted mostly in English, for Hebrew speaking students with CCN it is an emerging field. In this ar�cle we briefly describe the posi�ve outcome of a bo�om-up phonics-based interven�on, star�ng with targe�ng the vowels, and then the le�er-sound corresponding and sound blending. Our preliminary result suggests systema�c, targeted phonics interven�ons could benefit students with CCN, emphasizing the need for ongoing research to assess long-term effec�veness. Challenges in the process of developing communica�on boards Rana Tanous, Bracha Nir, Orit Hetzroni The number of children with communica�on difficul�es who rely on Augmenta�ve and Alterna�ve Communica�on (AAC) in order to par�cipate in social interac�ons is increasing. Speech therapists are responsible for organizing the communica�on boards and adap�ng them to the children's needs, according to the type of display, to the layout of the vocabulary, the color and size of the symbols, and so forth. However, few studies have to date examined the therapists' awareness of the recommenda�ons that are provided in the professional literature regarding these aspects of board organiza�on, and the challenges faced by the therapists in the implementa�on of these recommenda�ons.