53 ר‡ל ˘ - י ˜ ון ‡ייז ˙ נ ˘ 2023 Light, J., Drager, K, McCarthy, J., Mello�, S., Parrish, C., Parsons, A., Rhoad, S., Ward, M., & Welliver, M. (2002). Performance of typically developing four- and five-year-old children with AAC systems using different language organiza�on techniques. Augmenta�ve and Alterna�ve Communica�on, 20(2), 63-88. Light, J., Wilkinson, K. M., Thiessen, A., Beukelman, D. R., & Fager, S. K. (2019). Designing effec�ve AAC displays for individuals with developmental or acquired disabili�es: State of the science and future research direc�ons. Augmenta�ve and Alterna�ve Communica�on, 35(1), 42-55. Light, J., Page, R., Curran, J., & Pitkin, L. (2007). Children's ideas for the design of AAC assis�ve technologies for young children with complex communica�on needs. Augmenta�ve and Alterna�ve Communica�on, 23(4), 274-287. Lindsay, S. (2010). Percep�ons of health care workers prescribing augmenta�ve and alterna�ve communica�on devices to children. Disability & Rehabilita�on: Assis�ve Technology, 5(3), 209-222. Loncke, F. (2020). Augmenta�ve and Alterna�ve Communica�on: Models and applica�ons. Plural Publishing. Lucariello, J. (1998). Together wherever we go: The ethnographic child and the developmentalist. Child Development, 69(2), 355-358. McNaughton, D., & Light, J. (2013). The IPad and mobile technology revolu�on: Benefits and challenges for individuals who require augmenta�ve and alterna�ve communica�on. Augmenta�ve and Alterna�ve Communica- �on, 29(2), 107-116. Murray, J., Lynch, Y., Meredith, S., Moulam, L., Goldbart, J., Smith, M., Randall, N. & Judge, S. (2019). Professionals’ decision-making in recommending communica�on aids in the UK: compe�ng considera�ons. Augmenta�ve and Alterna�ve Communica�on, 35(3), 167-179. Na, J. Y., Wilkinson, K., Karny, M., Blackstone, S., & S��er, C. (2016). A synthesis of relevant literature on the development of emo�onal competence: Implica�ons for design of augmenta�ve and alterna�ve communica�on systems. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 25(3), 441-452. Pennington, L. (2008). Cerebral palsy and communica�on. Paediatrics and Child Health, 18(9), 405-409 Radici, E., Bonacina, S., & De Leo, G. (2016, August). Design and development of an AAC app based on a speech-to-symbol technology. In Proceedings of the 38th Annual Interna�onal Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 2574-2577). IEEE. Ropar, D., & Mitchell, P. (2001). Suscep�bility to illusions and performance on visuospa�al tasks in individuals with au�sm. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 42(4), 539-549. Ropar D. & Peebles D. (2007) Sor�ng preference in children with au�sm: the dominance of concrete features. Journal of Au�sm Developmental Disorders, 37, 270–80. Sevcik, R., Romski, M. A., & Adamson, L. (1999). Measuring AAC interven�ons for individuals with severe developmental disabili�es. Augmenta�ve and Alterna�ve Communica�on, 15(1), 38-44.