שנתון מספר 38 - isaac 2023

54 ר‡ל ˘ - י ˜ ון ‡ייז ˙ נ ˘ 2023 Syriopoulou-Delli, C. K., & Eleni, G. (2022). Effec�veness of different types of Augmenta�ve and Alterna�ve Communica�on (AAC) in improving communica�on skills and in enhancing the vocabulary of children with ASD: A review. Review Journal of Au�sm and Developmental Disorders, 9(4), 493- 506 Tanous, R. )2021(. Percep�ons of Speech and Language Therapists in Building Communica�on Boards. Thesis completed at the University of Haifa. Tenny, C. (2016) A linguist looks at AAC: language representa�on systems for augmenta�ve and alterna�ve communica�on, compared with wri�ng systems and natural language. Wri�ng Systems Research, 8(1), 84–119. Thistle, J. J., & Wilkinson, K. (2009). The effects of color cues on typically developing preschoolers' speed of loca�ng a target line drawing: Implica�ons for augmenta�ve and alterna�ve communica�on display design. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 18, 231–240. Thistle, J. J., & Wilkinson, K. M. (2015). Building evidence-based prac�ce in AAC display design for young children: Current prac�ces and future direc�ons. Augmenta�ve and Alterna�ve Communica�on, 31(2), 124-136. Thistle, J. J., & Wilkinson, K. (2017). Effects of background color and symbol arrangement cues on construc�on of mul�-symbol messages by young children without disabili�es: Implica�ons for aided AAC design. Augmenta�ve and Alterna�ve Communica�on, 33(3), 160-169. Van Tatenhove, G. M. (2005). Normal language development, genera�ve language & AAC. Unpublished online resource, retrieved from: h�ps://www.dunkirkcsd.org/cms/lib/NY19000564/Centricity/Domain/252/NLDAAC.pdf Wilkinson, K. M., & Coombs, B. (2010). Preliminary explora�on of the effect of background color on the speed and accuracy of search for an aided symbol target by typically developing preschoolers. Early Childhood Services, 4(3), 171. Wilkinson, K. M., & Jagaroo, V. (2004). Contribu�ons of principles of visual cogni�ve science to AAC system display design. Augmenta�ve and Alterna�ve Communica�on, 20, 123–136. Wilkinson K., Carlin M. & Thistle J. (2008). The role of color cues in facilita�ng accurate and rapid loca�on of aided symbols by children with and without Down syndrome. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 17, 179–94 Woltosz, W., Presenter, P., & Lawrence, P. (1997). Dynamic vs sta�c displays: what are the issues. In CSUN 1997 Conference, CSUN Center on Disabili�es. http://www.dinf.ne.jp/doc/english/Us Eu/conf/csun 97/csun97 072.htm. Yorke, A. M., Caron, J. G., Pukys, N., Sternad, E., Grecol, C., & Shermak, C. (2021). Founda�onal reading interven- �ons adapted for individuals who require augmenta�ve and alterna�ve communica�on (AAC): A systema�c review of the research. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabili�es, 33, 537-582.